Dr. Franz Michel prescribed fluorouracil 3 drops a day for 5 days. I did not experience any irritation or increased inflammation during the use of these drops.
January 18, 2016 After the second follow up with Dr Franz Michel, I am to continue with Vexol once a day for another month. Then I will start the special drops 3 times a day. I should be expecting some irritation, redness and inflammation from the drops. Below are photos of my eye before using the special drops.
January 7, 2016
It feels like recovery has been pretty stagnant at this stage. A month and half after the surgery looks the same as a month after surgery. The graft is still yellow and bubbly. No more pain during eye movement.
After visiting Dr Franz Michel, he said to stop the Vigamox and to taper off Vexol from 3 drops a day for a week to 2 drops a day for a week and down to 1 drop a day until I see him again in another month. Recovery has been slow.