Saturday, January 30, 2016

Eye after using fluorouracil drops

Dr. Franz Michel prescribed fluorouracil 3 drops a day for 5 days. I did not experience any irritation or increased inflammation during the use of these drops.

More photos.... Feb 1, 2016

Feb 18

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

2 months after Pterygium surgery with Dr Franz Michel

January 18, 2016
After the second follow up with Dr Franz Michel, I am to continue with Vexol once a day for another month. Then I will start the special drops 3 times a day. I should be expecting some irritation, redness and inflammation from the drops. Below are photos of my eye before using the special drops. 

1 and a half months after Pterygium surgery with Dr Franz Michel

January 7, 2016
It feels like recovery has been pretty stagnant at this stage. A month and half after the surgery looks the same as a month after surgery. The graft is still yellow and bubbly. No more pain during eye movement.

1 month after Pterygium surgery with Dr Franz Michel

December 18th, 2015
1 month after surgery
After visiting Dr Franz Michel, he said to stop the Vigamox and to taper off Vexol from 3 drops a day for a week to 2 drops a day for a week and down to 1 drop a day until I see him again in another month. Recovery has been slow.

Friday, November 27, 2015

1 week after Pterygium surgery with Dr Franz Michel

It's been exactly one week since the pterygium surgery in my right eye. It's definitely a slow recovery. The right eye is still scary bloody red. I do notice the pterygium site a little more yellowish in color. There is still slight pain while moving the eyeball. There is also a warm sensation felt in the inside of the right eye, it's hard to explain, but I know the eye is healing.

Saturday, November 28, 2015: 8 days after surgery

Sunday, November 29, 2015: 9 days after surgery

Tuesday, December 1, 2015: 11 days after surgery

 Wednesday, December 2, 2015: 12 days after surgery

 Saturday, December 5, 2015: 15 days after surgery

 Monday, December 7, 2015: 17 days after surgery